Group Training

“Best personal fitness group training in CORPUS CHRISTI”

Class Structure

Stabilization, Strength and Power  in one efficient hour of class.

” I would have never imagined I would be in love with working out and training BJJ. Since I’ve started I have lost 55lbs, and at 49yrs old I am in the best shape of my life!” – Christina  A


Every class is run by an experienced Movement Coach. Most trainers simply act as cheerleaders to motivate you or tell you the exercises or make minor critiques on form. Our Movement Coaches are amazing personal trainers with expertise and experience who will continuously cue you during your workouts, maintain the flow of the program and  help you at an extremely detailed, individual level providing you exactly what you need. Our classes are designed to have ample time in each section of the workout, allowing you time to master the movements while maximizing 1-on-1 coaching opportunities. In a class your Movement Coach will lead you through a:


Dynamic, Yoga-ish, Warm-up and Movement Prep


Skill Work


Strength and Accessory Work


High-intensity, Functional Movement Workout




Mobility Exercises



Our class warm-ups and movement prep have three main goals:

1) Prepare us for the day’s workout. We will get your heart beating, blood flowing, and get your joints and muscles prepared for the day’s training.

2) Provide us time to learn, practice, and hone techniques foundational to human movement. We leverage our warm-up to help us improve and understand how we move. This transfers directly into better technique for better performance and reduced risk of injury.

3) Over time, create dramatic, efficient, lasting, and meaningful improvements to your body’s range of motion. 

At APrx Fitness we consistently use functional yoga to put your body at the end ranges of positions that are useful to real life. At the end of classes, we consistently use highly effective mobility tools and protocols to improve tissue and joint function. This method gets the balance and flexibility results most are looking to yoga for with a fraction of the time commitment.

Our innovative warm-ups not only prep you for the workout that day, but provide many added benefits to technique, flexibility and balance.


 I am the fittest I have EVER been in my life. I am stronger, faster, and leaner now than I was when I was a collegiate gymnast. I am SO thankful and blessed that I found my “home” at APrx Fitness!!!” – Maria T (Physical Therapist)



 High-intensity workouts are amazing, but a program based around them need support. The stronger your foundation, the better your capacity during your high-intensity workouts. As adults, we lose the ability to perform certain movement patterns because we have habitual and favored movements. We have unresolved injuries and chronic problems that cause us to move in a compensated way. When the average adult starts to exercise with one or more limited fundamental patterns, the increased activity actually causes the compensation behavior to get worse. Our skill, strength and accessory work allows our Movement Coach to work with you to improve your technique and work on weaknesses and strengthening areas to better build your skills and body.






 Commonly referred to as WODs (Workout of the Day) or MetCons (Metabolic Conditioning), this section of class is what we are know for. It is the work hard and get out of breath part of class. This section is typically 7 – 20 minutes long and all workouts can be scaled and modified to each individuals’ fitness level, whether that be modifying the movement itself, using lighter weight, performing less reps, working for a shorter duration, performing a progression of a movement, etc. What this means is although everyone may be doing a slightly different version of the same workout, each individual is going at a pace, performing movements, and using weights appropriate to them. The movements performed in our workouts are compound and transfers to the real world. Developing proficiency in our gym means you are developing proficiency in real life. You will be challenged and will blow past your preconceived notions on what your are capable of. Everyone can do it and most everyone is more capable than they give themselves credit for. Embrace the challenge and enjoy the results!

When High-intensity exercise is appropriately scaled and paired with quality movement, it can be a lot of fun and produce amazing results.



“I was diagnosed with adhesive capsulitis, also known as a frozen shoulder. From my time at APrx Fitness, I have seen my shoulder mobility and strength continue to get better and better. I’m stronger, I feel better, and know my shoulder will NOT be a handicap in anything I choose to do.”

– Stephen G.




 The cool-down is an often overlooked, but extremely important aspect to an effective training program. Workouts, especially at high-intensity, increases acid and carbon dioxide while decreasing oxygen in the body. Your lymphatic system works to normalize your body and rid your body of excess waste, but it works primarily through muscle contractions and gravity. So, if you finish a workout and then sit around and do nothing, your body is less efficient at removing the built up waste from the workout. This can cause increased stiffness and soreness and not to mention, take away from potential results. After every workout, we cool-down to help flush your system and maximize your results from your efforts.

To support the flexibility work we do in warm-ups, we use mobility tools, like foam rollers, and protocols at the end of class to further enhance our recovery and function of muscles and joints. We do self-massage, stretch, and  stability work to consistently make improvements to your capacity for you body to move through the full ranges of motions.




 Our goal is to fit our program to your individual goals, needs, preferences, and fitness level. We offer different Skill Seminars and Bootcamps, for each of the above described class sections. Our members enjoy learning and developing advanced weightlifting and gymnastics movements and in the course of their time with us, members will see their progress visually as well as in their strength and mobility. Our Seminars and Bootcamps works on more complex movements and improving your cardio. Come see how we make it easy to customize each class specifically for you.

Join the best personal fitness group training in CORPUS CHRISTI!
Join the best personal fitness group training in CORPUS CHRISTI!